I offered to help at my church's VBS. I was assigned to work with the preschoolers, and they are a wild bunch! One child is autistic. He is one or two years older than the others, but his mother put him in my class because of his developmental disability. He loves to do things his way. He doesn't do what the teacher says, he protests when the poor teacher says something, he wanders from the group and even out of class, I don't know who his mother is so I can't say anything (plus I'm not the teacher), and it takes up to 2 adults to get him back to the activity! Once, he even turned on all the sinks in the boy's bathroom and flooded it! I have no idea what to do. My mother regularly teaches his class outside of VBS, and she tells me to get in his face and punish him, but I don't want to frighten the other children or him. What can I do to keep him on track, especially with something that he can understand and have fun doing?