
How can I cope with being short and not being taken seriously?

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Hey, Im 21 and 5'2. Im a girl. I have a small frame. I have a Napolean Complex which I think has made try to make myself pretty to stand out from taller girls. I dont even like to go out because I know that in crowds like clubs I will just disappear and feel like a small child. I know guys prefer taller, long legged women. It bothers me when people assume that Im weak or passive because I am short and skinny and quiet. I wish I could say that I dont care about what anyone thinks but I get offended when people say "shes so cute/little/tiny". This one girl I work with keeps trying to pick me up and tease me and she calls me "a little ball". I also get offended when bigger girls act superior or like they are automaticaaly better because they are taller, they kind of shrug me off. How can I deal with this? Things to help me not get pushed around? I can already fight but I dont want to start punching people out just because they tease me I need my job. Surgeries? lol




  1. Hahahahaha, Shorty.

  2. This is a tough situation and there is no other way to put it.

    Your co-workers are showing you just how immature they are by doing what they are.  I would say to them, (privately) that you would really appreciate it if they would stop the things that they are doing to you.

    Then with your mis-conception of what boys like.   I am 5'8" and I love shorter women, my wife is 5'2".

    There are a lot of guys that do like shorter women.

    What you need to do to help your self with this problem is to:

    1) Love yourself for being you.

    2) Don't care about what other people think.  

    3) Be kind and courtious even when you feel like stomping on someones foot.

    4) Do the best job that you can, believe me, at work the good worker is noticed.  You may not think so but it is true.

    5) Remember that being at work is to support your life, and is not your life.  Those people do not have to be your friends and you certainly do not have to invite them over to your home.  So you only have to deal with them at work.

    6) Accept the fact that this is how you are and make the best of it, not try and change it.  You will be much happpier in the body you have than a surgically altered body.  Plus no scars, and later on, arthritis...


  3. Hmm? I'm 24 and 5 foot girl. I never got that whole big-girls shrugging me off thing...Who said guys prefer taller long legged girls? I thought alot of guys prefer petite girls? Really, it's all in the state of mind. The first step I believe is to sincerely love the way you are--cliche but I have seen many bossier shorter girls and also have seen taller girls who are so self-conscious and try to "hunch" their back (my tall friend was like this). Believe it or not, people can tell right in an instant if you are "feeling small", no matter what your height is. It's just the vibe.

    So go do something that makes you feel good, like the spa or get your hair and nails done. Focus on the advantages of being the shorter, slimmer girl (believe me, there are lots, you just have to figure it out yourself). All the best.

  4. Get in good with your peers.  At work, college, church, etc.  Once you get their respect, others will follow.  Let the pions know that you don't find their antics funny and that it borders on disrespectful.  Or you could meet them one on one for coffee and shopping.  Once you actually spend this type of time with a person, it is difficult to act like that towards them.  Another biggie is to learn about sports, cars, etc.  and get in with the guys.  Girls don't mess with guys buddies.  

    Good Luck..

  5. it's not so bad. i wouldn't mind being your height. i'm 23, 5 foot nothing, at about 115lb.

    it's proving people wrong that's the fun part. i'm a manager in a large liquor store [the size of a signiture or super grocery store] and lift 40-60 pound cases constantly... i carry them to the front for customers [which my main complaint there is holding certain cases is awkward for me... short arms and all haha]... i stack cases above my head all the time [i'm super anal about inventory control]. i can promise you i work harder in one day than most of my boys there do in a week.

    other than that, if people are still messing with you in their 20s, they need to grow up. being very tall is actually more abnormal than our being short. but seriously, tell them to quit once in a nice way... don't act like you're annoyed [only makes 'em want to do it more]. and hey, if she's doing it at work and she doesn't stop the first time, harassment  complaints are fun, fun, fun! :)

    i guess i've coped with the short thing pretty well... developing a slight attitude where people get the idea that they really DON'T want to mess you also helps. i may be little, but i'm scary. :) you just can't let people think they intimidate you... even if they do, don't let on. they're going to respect you more if don't let anyone think that you care about being short.

    and hey, at least you're not a 5'2" dude. ;p

    [speaking of dudes, they seem to like "little" girls... and i hate this term with a passion, but because we're "spinners".... that one haha]

  6. Your already a smart girl, you don't need the a******s around you to p**s you off. What you need to know is that there are thousands of girls out there either the same age or older who are 5'2 and shorter and going through way worst than what you experience.

    When people offend you about your height be honest with them and tell them that you don't appreciate their offensive comment.

    Oh and your mom is right, men prefer a shorter girl to look down to than tall girls, they think its weird to look up to a girl lol. But i'm glad you picture yourself as independent, thats the kind of attitude you should always have (self confidence is the key my friend). Tall girls don't get that much respect neithor, allot of the high fashion models are famous for their height, which is the reason why designers choose them but at the end of the day when these girls step out into the real world they feel left out and different. Imagine people calling you a giraffe or giant... not so funny huh?

    No matter what height you are, you will always meet people who eventually find something negative to say about you (wheather their just joking around or intending to hurt you)

    Like i said before, just ignore their negativity and be honest with them when they push things too far!

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