
How can I cope with severe lower back pains ??

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Both Sleeping and Standing / walking (even for a short time) cause fairly severe lower back pamildly both instances are midly relieved by getting out of bed and sitting down respectively.

The pain at night can be excruciating, every smallest move.

The daytime pain - walking and standing is really starting to restrict my life.

I'm female and 38yrs old.

Does anyone know what causes this ?

My overall posture is very good, mattress good, I exercise, good diet, healthy and all the rest.




  1. You probably have a lot of inflammation down there so you should consult a docter or physical therapist right away!

  2. Do you sleep on your back? side? stomach?  Best is to sleep on your back if you can.  Use a rolled towel or something to keep your spine in its proper curve no matter which way you sleep.  For side sleeping a pillow between your legs helps and for back sleeping a pillow under your legs helps.  I would strongly suggest seeing a good sports physiotherapist to help isolate where your problems are and to suggest what you can do to help yourself.  You have my sympathy - good luck!!

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