
How can I correct a wicked slice?

by Guest63750  |  earlier

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I can't seem to get away from slicing my ball off the tee. I use a TaylorMade stiff Burner and slice most every drive. Is my form most likely the culprit or is there something else I might be doing wrong?




  1. Go to and watch the sports videos in golf category, there is one on how to fix a slice , good video not hard to understand and it works, I hit a bucket of balls the other day and to my amazement they went straight Good luck

  2. also make sureyou refrain from that "flying elbow" keep your right elbow(if right-handed) in close to your body to avoid from swinging"inside out".....and if that doesnt work, try a weak grip...those Burners are real good clubs...some of the better ones ive tried kind of a slicer but with the burner i had a medium i would think its probably your form....maybe the wrong shaft?

  3. keep the ball in the front of your stance (if you are a righty, close to your left foot), NOT THE BACK!

    If you place your ball to the back then you wont get as much power that you can get with the driver.

    Relax, keep your head still dont move it! (or your entire golf swing will move odly), and swing naturally

    (come slower to the top of your swing and come through with a lot of power)

    I had the same problem


  4. Try an overcompensation drill that promotes a hook using the big muscles of the body.  

    In order to achieve a slice, you are hitting AT the ball coming from the outside of the target line to the inside of the target line.  

    Now in order to be able to get rid of the slice, you must first imagine what someone who always hooks the ball does with every swing:

    1. They swing thru the ball from inside the target line to outside the target line.

    2. Their lower body does much less just before impact than a slicer's lower body.  Visualize swinging into a solid left side (like a tiny brick wall that goes from your left hip down to your left foot).  Rotate your upper body thru the ball, and you should see the toe of the clubhead pointing toward the sky by the time the club is at waist height.  Golfers who duck hook the ball struggle with this constantly - getting the left side to keep moving.

    If you would like more info/detail or if you have any other questions, please visit me at

  5. take your normal left hand grip, and make it a little strong so you can see 3 knuckles, then bring your right hand in from the side, not from the top.

  6. Hook it.

  7. It's really hard to say without seeing your swing.  This season I took some lessons from a good pro in my area.  3 lessons were $90.  It was money well spent.  I'm a self-taught golfer who has struggled for YEARS!  If I would've taken these lessons long ago, the game would've been much more it is this summer.

    In my case, the pro could immediately see that the clubface was open at impact because I wasn't rolling my wrists...I wasn't releasing the club.  Initially it was frustrating making the necessary changes, but with practice I've almost eliminated the slice.  It pops up every now and then, but at least I know how to fix it from the knowledge I gained from my lessons.

  8. Yes everything Pat B above said, also check your swing speed if you are progressing thru to fast you are not hitting the ball the right way, also try opening your club face a bit.  

  9. A slice is caued by an out to in swig path AND an open clubface through impact.

    You need to change on or the other to get rid of a clice, both if you want to draw the ball.

    Check out the site in the source box

  10. Stop ordering anchovies.

  11. This helped me... hopefully it can help you.  First, go thru your normal routine like your going to hit the ball.  Then relax, stand straight, close your eyes and extend the club so it is straight out in front of you.  Open your eye and notice the club face, this will show were your club face is during impact.  I use to think at address I was all square, but after duing this I found out my club face was wide open at impact.  

    To fix this I now hold the club straight in front of me holding it with my right hand.  I rotate the club face to 11:00, grip it with my left hand, and then I grip it with my right and so the palms are facing each other.  Now this will feel akward at address, like the club face is too closed.  The next step is to maintain your grip and square the club face to the ball.  This should straighten your left arm, you should notice the V's pointing to your right shoulder like everybody talks about, and this should also force you to swing inside out.  Good luck!!!

  12. Try moving the ball back in your stance.  Make sure your grip has the Vs of your thumbs and first fingers pointing to your right shoulder (if right handed).  Make sure you are releasing the club and rotating your arms on the follow through.  Check your take away and ensure you are bringing the club on an inside out swing path - square up and think about the clubhead going out to right center field.  All else fails, get a lesson.  

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