
How can I create artificial rain?

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How can I create artificial rain?




  1. well, it really depends on how u want 2 use it. for a project/demonstaration, get a container and fill with water, then cover with plastic wrap and set outside.but im pretty sure you already know that.another is you can create humongous cotton puffs. soak them in water and it'll come down as artificial rain.hope this helps.

  2. do u want it indoors or outdoors.... well one way is to create one of those water fountain but make it tilt and have it spray stronger and thiner so it looks like rain then have the floors with files and drain pipes that lead back to the fountain....

  3. Very small area: with a garden hose and various attachments to get the right droplet size. On a larger area, i.e. real rain in the real environment: there were many attempts and none is scientifically proven to really work. One of the best attempts was to seed existing clouds with silver ions. For that, you'll have to find the right clouds (not all work) and then fly through them and spray a silver solution, a rather elaborate and expensive proposition.  Indians were known to do their rain dances, other cultures offered virgins to the gods but all to no avail....

  4. fire rockets with tea dust into the clouds is the most effective

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