
How can I curb a chocolate addiction?

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How can I curb a chocolate addiction?




  1. i heard this thing on tv but give it a try!

    ok think of chocolate yumm

    now think of it for 30 sec. with hair in it. hairy chocolate

    if you think about it long and hard enough the image is supposed to pop in your head when you want chocolate.

  2. eat more chocolate

  3. you can start eating somethibg else sweet

    or you could say one peice every twoi days  and keep making it longer with out it

  4. Just don't buy them. You can't eat what you don't have.  =)

  5. Don't! Just enjoy!!!

  6. Buy dark chocolate.  Have a small piece for breakfast or dessert; it's good for you, but bitter enough to keep you from pigging out!  The darker, the more healthful.  (WebMD)  If you don't trust yourself to do that, and find yourself eating too much every day, causing weight gain or glucose level problems, then indeed you will need to go "cold turkey" and not have it daily..

    There is also a heathfood product called carob that is traditionally substituted for chocolate (  It is brown, waxy and mixed with sugar to make a suitable chocolate substitute.  I used to get carob-covered peanuts when I was a kid and didn't even know the difference.  

    "When your hippie mother fed it to you in the ’70s, she thought carob was a miracle replacement for chocolate. And it is ever so slightly healthier in a few respects. Unlike cocoa, carob does not contain caffeine or theobromine, another mild stimulant that actually elevates mood in humans but is the reason large quantities of chocolate are dangerous to dogs and cats. (They metabolize the chemical more slowly than we do, so it can build up in their bodies, poisoning them). People who are allergic to chocolate can generally eat carob without a problem (as can dogs and cats).

    Carob powder is naturally sweeter and lower in fat than cocoa powder. However, the fat and sugar added to both powders to turn them into something tasty wipes out those differences. “The total fat and calorie content of carob and cocoa in the candy form [is] typically the same,” says Dr. Amy E. Griel, a postdoctoral intern in dietetics at Pennsylvania State University. What’s more, cocoa is high in stearic acid, a saturated fat that does not raise cholesterol levels, while carob “chocolate” is often made with palm or coconut oils, which are known to raise cholesterol. Cocoa also contains flavonoids, a group of antioxidant compounds that studies have shown can help with hypertension, insulin sensitivity, platelet function, and immune response, Griel says.

    Carob trees (Ceratonia siliqua) have been farmed in the Middle East for at least 4,000 years. Their edible pods are traditionally eaten on Tu B’shevat, a Jewish holiday celebrating trees. The seeds inside the pods were also traditionally used to weigh diamonds, which is where we get the word carat from."

  7. TeacherMom is right, converting to dark chocolate is probably the best you can do and if you find yourself not liking or enjoying it as much as milk then you’re not addicted to chocolate at all but rather the sugar which means going cold turkey I’m afraid and cutting back on sugar in your diet.

  8. fill your mouth with bubble gums. not chewing gums but bubble gums. they are more juicy & satisfy the taste buds more quickly.

  9. Often a chocolate craving is a sugar addiction.

    Try going for 10 days with no sugar in your diet. I find that after that time, the craving stops completely and I no longer want sweet foods.

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