
How can I cut down my shower time?

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I shower every other day and try to take less than 20 minutes, but every time I try to hurry, I end up taking 25 minutes. I really want to conserve water. How can I cut down? All I do is shampoo, shave, conditioner, and wash my face and body. I don't take baths because I heard, when you wash, the skin and dirt sits in the water with you so it grossed me out and I never took a bath again (and I think it takes more water). Anyway, yeah, how to cut down time? Thanks:)




  1. 1. Get wet

    2. Shut off the water

    3. Soap up

    4. Turn on the water and rinse off.

    And get a low flow shower head if you don't already have one.

  2. This will speed you up.

    Before you shower, turn the power off to your hot water heater, when the hot water is gone you'll know'll either freeze or speed things up!

  3. Just create a routine.  I have my system.  Jump in shampoo, rinse...wash my face while the conditioner sits in my hair rinse scrub body down real quick and i shave with the Venus breeze razor that has the soap bars right in the razor so you don't have to mess with shaving cream.  Takes 10 minutes tops.

  4. shower with a friend and have them suds you up and you return the favour hence 2 people showering for 20 minutes equals 10 minute shower for you

  5. well i think you're trying to do your best to save water and electricty of course in doing all of your stuff in one session, AND it's alright to stay on the bathroom as long as you're not using more water or electricity. but maybe you're like singing along while doing your stuff making you in the mood to stay in the bathroom for few more minutes. so next time just sing the happy birthday song.

  6. Sometimes if I'm trying to get out of the shower fast( i have kids) I will condition my hair without shampooing it. You don't need to shampoo everyday. Also I sometimes shave my legs while sitting on the toilet instead of in the shower.

  7. Shave outside of the shower.

    Get one of those showerheads with the on/off switch.  This way you flip it to OFF as you soap up & scrub.  

    A water flow restricting shower head also helps alot in saving water.

  8. First, get a low-flow shower head. You'll already cut back on your water use before cutting back on time.

    Try turning off the water when you're not actually using it (rinsing soap off). I know it can be a pain getting it to exactly the right temperature again quickly, but practice makes perfect.

    Do you really need to shave your legs every other day? (I'm assuming you're talking about your legs. Shaving my armpits takes all of 10 seconds). If you have a particular need for regular maintenance, give waxing a try. Much less water use there.

    It sounds like you're starting out with the right attitude. The important thing is to take it seriously even when it's not convenient. Think through exactly what you are doing, what the consequences are for your life (a slightly less cozy shower isn't the end of the world) and the other things you care about (making a real - not just verbal- contribution to the environment), and look at the balance. Which is really more important to you?

  9. Keep the shampoo in your hair as you scrub yourself down, and shave. Take off the water when soaping and scrubbing.

  10. shower as long as you like, that's what water is for. if you want to conserve water try not watering the lawn, or leaving the hose running while washing the car. wash only full loads in the washing machine and dishwasher

  11. If you take your shower in a bathtub

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    Pull the stopper to keep the water in the tub

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    Notice the water depth on the feet when your time limit is up

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    Example up to the ankle bone while standing in the middle of the tub


    If you have a shower stall

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    Get a cooking timer with an alarm and set it to your time less 2 minutes

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    And if possible have it in a place that is in easy sight

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    Have you ever heard an alarm clock go off in a bathroom before

    If not it is an experience in what LOUD is like

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    And you will be aware of the time because of the sound that is awaiting you and your need to SHUT it off

    .. ..... ..

    -- If you live with other --  

    It is fun too every body in the house will want to be a using it too

    .. . ..

  12. not showering

  13. Are you serious?

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