
How can I deal with a highly sensitive person?

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Im not sensitive at all...I rarely run into sensitive and I forget how to act sometimes...

I offended a sensitive person and I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. I feel so bad...I apologized and aologized but she has an axe to grind with me I think. I mean I can take it, but I don;t want her to be afraid to come around me. We have to work together. Whats done is done...what can I do to make it better?

I'm afraid to say anything and thats not my I feel uncomfortable! What to do?




  1. Being a "sensitive" person is a learned behaviour to build a wall around yourself for protection.  The fact that this person does not accept your apology is telling as well, because she is using the "victim" routine for the same purpose. In both cases it's bulls**t.

    If you want to maintain an harmonious, working relationship with this person, I suggest you have a heart-to-heart with her. The apology part is over, now she needs to hear exactly what you've asked in your question to Y/A.  However, if you're afraid to say anything as that's not your nature, (a feeble excuse, BTW)  then live with it.

  2. Eventhough you hurt a sensitive person at least you had feelings to care and realize that you did so and apologized. Some people wouldn't even care that they hurt someone's feelings. You said that you already apologized so maybe you should try talking to that person and try explaining that you are hurt and feel bad for what you did and that you want her to feel comfortable to come around you and talk to you. Whatever she chooses to do, forgive you or not, just know that you learn from mistakes. As you said its done so you can't change you but you can definately learn and grow from it. People make mistakes and try to look at the positive side of them. You now know to be more alert of peoples feelings, sensitive or not.  

  3. Maybe if you tell her what you just told us she would understand better where you're coming from. Sometimes apologies seem more like excuses when someone doesn't really know you very well. If you were to tell her that you know you aren't a very sensitive person, and it is your nature, she may understand you better and accept your apology and accept you for who you are. If not, you have done what you could to make amends, and that's enough. She has just as much responsibility in this to make things right as you do. If she wants to hold a grudge, then that's her own wrongdoing. Just keep in mind that an apology consists of owning up to your own wrongdoing, and identifying clearly what it was that you did wrong, and then acknowledging that you know you hurt that person and you feel bad about it and want to make it right. I hope this helps!

  4. well, ask him/her whats wrong?? and try not to talk with them in a rude way.. try to understand their feelings as a friend.. please apologize if you think if you have done anything bad,never mind what she/he  feels about you.. remember  you have to work with her/him..

    just make them know this..





    just as you feel whats done is done... and i wish you all the good luck!!!!

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