
How can I deal with angry Wendy's customers without telling them to shove their Frosty Shakes up their butts?

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I started working as a cashier at an extremely low-staffed Wendy's in Kentucky last week, and I came very close to quitting/getting fired/getting arrested today when I nearly lost my temper with some utterly retarded customers (the entire line was full of these stupid people, and I'm the only worker that speaks English so I had to translate every order and complaint).

I'm currently working on recovering my confidence in the human race after dealing with two particularly intellectually challenged customers that had separate complaints (one girl, not much older than me, grew infuriated with her three-minute wait for fresh fries, and an old man screwed up his own order SIX--count 'em, SIX--times, but still had the nerve to blame it entirely on me).

These two buckets of joy were yapping away while I was trying to discern the orders of a huge group of screeching kids (where were their parents?!) and trying to translate the problems and new orders over to the Spanish-speaking workers with my limited grasp of Spanish.

Now, I realize that dealing with pathetic excuses for human skin as customers will be a constant in the fast food business, so I need to learn how to deal with these whelps before I get fired. I'm looking for a new job, of course, but if that doesn't work out, I'll be stuck at Wendy's for the next year (assuming the cops don't have to escort me off the premises). Any suggestions?




  1. kick them in the nuts/vag

  2. listen to their problem

    resolve their problem.

  3. do your best to get a promotion within the year so you can let some other new employee deal with that c**p

  4. I used to work in a McDonald's in Israel and believe me, Israelis can be very angry customers. What I did whenever I got an angry customer was listening to their problem with a welcoming smile and try to solve it. If it was something easy like "my fries are cold" or "I didn't want salt on them" I'd just give them new fries. If you can't solve the problem, don't deal with them, let them talk to your supervisor. That's his job! Good luck!

  5. do your job and quit s******g up orders

  6. You need to smile. You need to apologize. And lastly, you need to have a h**l of a lot of patience. I know what it's like [I work in fast food as well], but smiling can do so much for you and for the customer. I'm on drive-thru currently, and people grow very impatient [especially when the drive thru stretches around the entire store]. It's amazing to see people's reactions when I greet them with a smile and apologize for inconveniences. Don't lose your cool!

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