
How can I deal with dominant guys at work?

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they act like they're superior to women and so they have rights and authority to criticize about the body, shape and appearance of women. And, they dont want to accept the reality that the gender doesnt matter to the performance, efficiency or success (simply they keep denying if woman gets better than them). I have to have a good relationship with them because I can't avoid facing them very often. But, I don't want to pretend as if I am a typical submissive woman just to maintain a good relationship. And, I don't wanna sacrifice myself to suit their male taste. What can I do?




  1. Well, that should be pretty easy, for things that relates to work, find out the facts, work out the projected outcome with good supporting document. that should be able to shut them up.

    One thing, you must have confidence in yourself first in order to achieve that.

  2. Well its a guy thing, its not like the want to make you feel that way (hopefully not) but its always in the nature to feel stronger and superior. And like it or not, alot of guys hate the fact if a woman is stronger or capable of doing more because it makes them feel hmmm weak. Alpha male c**p

    Im not sexist or i try not to be, but if a girl can perform better then a guy it may make him feel weak, so he tries to become dominant and shows dominance to show hes not weak. But under that c**p they arent c**p.  Technechly they are the bosses so with power comes corruption lol

  3. These men sound uncouth rather than dominant.  It's very vulgar to criticize a woman's shape and appearance to her face, that's the sort of thing you should do behind her back.  i suggest you give as good as you get and start criticising them right back, make comments about their shape, appearance, etc, and see how they like it.

  4. Just ignore them and keep doing your best. Their opinion should only matter to you when they're your direct supervisors. If they make sexist comments to you, tell them simply that you don't want to hear it. These kinds of guys tend to respect women who have the balls they could only dream of. Treat yourself like their equal and they will follow.

  5. Educate yourself. The best way to knock a man off his pedestal at work, is to correct him- And be correct. It's a HUGE blow to his ego (and you know how guys are about ego). If your more knowledgeable, he can't think he's superior. Besides, it beats sinking down to his level. It shows you have class, and nothing is more sexier than the mind :)

  6. respect them and let them exert masculine smells in the room for you

  7. You shouldn't be so intimidated. Do you think a guy would ever post, "how can i deal with dominant women at work?"? It's unlikely. I am not saying that you need to be one of guys if that's out of your comfort zone, but if a man says something about your or another woman's body, just say that is unacceptable. The only way to confront dominance is to act as an equal.

  8. Be polite and professional with them, but that's it. Be polite when you see them, and ignore them the rest of the time. No friendship. Ignore their b.s. and do your work well. Wear what you want to wear - don't dress all drab and plain because you don't want to be inspected, but don't go too far the other way and dress like a hooch. Don't let them suck you into anything even if they make you really mad. Just keep on being a good employee and ignore their c**p. They aren't worth your time.

  9. Be dominant right back at them!

    You don't have to be offensive about it, but be a challenge for them. Don't just take any insults they might give you; find a clever way to step around them that both leaves them wondering what to say and feeling really stupid.

    Or, one thing that works in a strange way - be SUPER nice. Give compliments and ignore their criticisms. They do it to get a rise out of you or to see you respond in some sort of negative way, so if you act happy and polite around them constantly, they won't have any reason to continue bothering you.

    Plus, if someone receives kindness after dishing out an insult, they usually feel really flabbergasted because it's the opposite of what they expected. They feel really small, because obviously you're the bigger person in the situation. This is a lot harder to do, though, because in one sense your grinning and bearing it, but the results are a lot of fun. :D I did this a lot with customers when I was a waitress. It was fun seeing their faces after I responded happily even when they insulted my service. They're like, "But...shouldn't you be mad??"

  10. I agree with Rio, which is an amazing occurrence.

  11. Why don't you just ignore that attitude?

    There is no such thing as the perfect, magical office, there always something that bugs.

    Sometimes, men do that just to play....instead of risking yourself in getting in useless trouble or getting everyone to think that you are weird or very delicate, just ignore them.

    As long as you know the truth, what everyone else says can be meaningless.

  12. Ignore them! Shallow men will live in a shallow pond all of their lives.

  13. As hard as it may seem, it's best to ignore their crude comments and continue to deal with them in a professional and businesslike manner. They're just jerks who are trying to get a rise out of you.

  14. out-f**t them

    they will develop a new-found respect for you.

  15. Obey !

  16. for starters dropping your man hating feminist attitude might help solicit better advice from people.

         If they critique you either ignore them, report them, or use quick witted comebacks.

            Also critique them because it is obvious they have low self esteem and I doubt they wouldn't be able to take it.

    Don't lose control, remain cool and clear of mind(that way they can't call you a whinny ^%^$^&).

    But don't tolerate others trying to bring you down. If you are outperforming them for a good kick provide evidence.

    (My dad and my sister are the type that believes they are always right and start yelling if anyone says otherwise so I remain calm, google ,print then copy or tell them the webadress over the phone, then watch the look on there faces=Win)

  17. Don't react with anger or frustration, this is what they want. They're typicical bullies looking for a reaction. If you just outsmart them or deflect their comments back at them they'll soon realise that it isn't worth the shame to continue trying to harrass you

    Good luck :)

  18. Oh wow, I really know what you are talking about. I go through this dilemma all the time. It's like you have to be a good sport about their chauvenism or you are a *****. Men I deal with even think it's okay to constantly touch me on the shoulder, knee, thigh, wherever they want, and if I made a big deal about it they would act all innocent. I have been called a ***** for being assertive. I say just be yourself and don't even think about or care what they think or say. Do you really care what their opinions are anyway. Don't give your power away to them so easily. That's what they want aand they are probably testing you.

  19. #1 Dont act submissive.  You cant stop them from treating you that way...but you dont have to act it.

    #2 Hold your head up high with confidence. Rise above their expectations.  You are a jewel among the thorns.

    #3 Realize that some people are just plain ignorant and will always be so and thank your lucky stars you arent one of them.

    #4 If all else fails...use sexual blackmail (just kidding!)

  20. I don't know which country you are from, but in Australia, harrassment of any kind in the workplace(by man or woman) is grounds for disciplinary action and possible dismissal.

    Keep your head down and be busy at work, remain friendly yet professional and keep notes of the harrassment(times and dates).  

    After a few instances, show your complaint to your boss or human resources manager.

    No one should have to put up with harrassment in the workplace.

    You are there to do your job, not to put up with idiots.  If it were women doing the harrassment, men wouldn't be happy or tolerate it so why should women?

  21. Be assertive, and just ignore them, and if they keep annoying you, go to the boss.

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