
How can I deal with my best friend's boyfriend?

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My best friend who I've been friends with since kindgarden has been with this guy for over two years now. In the beginning, I got along with him pretty well. We weren't exactly friends, but we talked and stuff. Then, overtime, he just started being annoyed by me I guess and now he apparently hates me and he has for like a year now. I've always been nice to him and tried to talk to him but he just ignores me or makes fun of me. I'm really sick of him always making fun of me. His friend does it too. My bff has talked to him about it, but he doesn't change. I want to be able to hang out with my bff when he's around too but now I feel like I can't because he's being so obnoxious. What can I do??




  1. get your bf to kick his ****!!!

  2. Drop him.

  3. Leave.It's your boyfriend that's the problem.

  4. It sounds like you have done the best you can to mollify the situation.

    It think it's time to issue an ultimatum.  Either the friend changes, or you are down the road.

    Disrespect cannot be tolerated long term.  But, instead of fighting for respect, we sometimes just have to walk away from those who don't give it or those who condone disrespect.

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