
How can I deal with my fear of vomiting?Please help!!?

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How can I deal with my fear of vomiting?Please help!!?




  1. I have a phobia that is a fear of vomiting. Its called emetophobia, I found out that the fear of vomiting is actually a phobia yesterday. Sounds like you have what I have.emetophobia look it up!

    There re many things people like us can do to cure this. Talk to a therapist about some of your options.

    Hope this helped!  

  2. fear is only mental. you need to get the thought of vomiting being "scary" out of your head. just know that it wont hurt you in any way, it actually helps you and even makes you feel better in some cases. it only scares you if you let it. don let it scare you.

  3. No

  4. maybe you can try to tell yourself that it is alright, it is nothing to be afraid of or something of this sort? or maybe you can consult a doctor. he/she might be able to help you or give you some tips on how to not get scared.

  5. Do you vomit frequently? if you dont, then you dont have to worry, i hate roller coasters, get dizzy from it, but i havent vomited in 10 years. (:

    if you do, whenever you feel like you're going to vomit, eat something sweet. it helps. ;D

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