I live with my elderly mother. She has memory issues but will not admit to it, and refuses to see a dr. So I stay with her to help her stay safe (ie, not leave the stove on, stuff like that). The problem is, she will misplace something and then accuse me of stealing it. Now she's misplaced some valuable coins, which i've never even seen before, and she's getting ready to call the cops to report that I took and sold them. Which isn't true at all. She'll find them in time, but in the meanwhile I have to deal with all the screaming and even possible arrest.
I don't want to put my mother in a home, but I also can't spend every day defending myself against one crazy accusation after another. She even locks her bedroom door, which made me glad because then she KNOWS I can't get in there. Yet she accuses me of somehow picking the lock.
I don't know what to do. Should I give up and leave her on her own? She will not see a dr, she thinks they are all "out to get her".