
How can I dechlorine a water ???

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I don't have enough money $ for a reptile dechlorine I heard that you can dechlorine by doing if anyone know how to do that....plz....thank you...




  1. You can leave it out for 24 hours (make sure the container is open) or there is something called ReptiSafe that they sell at most pet stores that will do it instantly.

  2. Just put your water into a container and allow it to sit overnight or even a couple days. Chlorine is unstable and will evaporate over time. If you have anything mechanical to induce bubbles (air hose, bubble rock, etc), it will allow for faster evaporation.

  3. you can get a bottle of it that treats over 450 gallons for $2.50, and even if you let it sit out for a day the clorine might evaporate but the chloramine will still be in there and that takes weeks to evaporate

  4. leave it in an open bucket or pan it will evaporate, stir and give it a couple of days before it's complete.

  5. they sell stuff at at almost every local pet store that you can put in the water and it will neutralize all of the toxins in in including chlorine and metals...i use this stuff called calcimize becuase it also provides the right amount of calcium needed in a reptiles diet its less than $5 but i believe boiling it and letting it cool should do the trick...or just use bottled water

  6. Put the water in a container and let it sit for 24 hours. The chlorine will come out of it naturally. I believe some people boil it and let it cool also.

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