
How can I defeat Groudon In 'Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of time'?

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I have a lvl 20 Chikorita - Magical leaf, Reflect, Razor leaf, Synthesis. Lvl 20 Torchic - Ember, Scratch, Peck, Focus energy. I have died so many times that i have now items left :(




  1. PLEASE FOLLOW-> SHOWDOWN WITH GROUDON -groudon has massive attackpower.. it's best to trip up it's movements wirh items like SLEEPS SEEDS / STUN SEEDS.. groudon's DROUGHT ability halves the damage it receives from water types moves.. but GRASS or

    ICE types moves will deal 1.4 times their normal damage..glad 2 answer :)

  2. In order to beat Groudon, you're going to need items. Go back to a Kangaskhan Rock or whatever and get some items, preferably some Sleep, Stun, and Reviver seeds. Get some Oran Berries too. You have nothing to lost now so just keep quitting dungeons to go back. Once you're equipped, go back through Steam Cave as quickly as possible. Once you get back to Groudon, throw either the Sleep or Stun Seed immediately, I'd throw the Sleep seed. While he's asleep, go up to him and use your Reflect. That move'll halve all of his physical attacks like Slash. Turn off all of your partners moves except for Focus Energy for one turn, when Torchic has the Focus Energy Status, switch it off and turn on all the other moves. Now try to position yourself so that both you and your partner can hit Groudon. He should still be asleep. Just keep hitting him with strong attacks. When he wakes up, use another Sleep Seed. Keep up that process and he should drop. If he manages to get a good hit in, toss a Stun Seed at him. BEFORE YOU TOSS THE SEED THOUGH, turn off ALL of your partner's moves. You don't want your partner to attack him while he's petrified and allow him to move again. While he's stunned, go ahead and use an Oran Berry. Or you could just stand there and let your health regenerate. As long as you don't attack him, he shouldn't be able to move. Make sure you don't try to use an Orb during the battle. You can't use Orbs during boss battles, so you're just wasting a turn. Groudon should go down after a while. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

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