
How can I defeat singles 3 in tennis at my high school.?

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I want to defeat singles 3 this year but how. He played 2 years ahead of me. Has impressive net play and a powerful topspin at base. also has a great serve. please answer me. is there any way I can improve myself to beat him this year.




  1. If he has a lot of top sin, try to come in and play right on the baseline or even closer to make sure you get the ball before it gets too high. Also try to play the net yourself to not allow him to. Work on down the line shots so you can use them as approach/ and passing shots

  2. We could use more information but with what you've given...

    Keep at the baseline focusing on getting the ball back deep to his legs or wide to the flanks. Whenever you have the chance BE REALLY aggressive and go to the net. If your volleys aren't well honed, then HONE them lol. Make sure you can get a nice solid volley that's placed deep or short and fast to the sidelines.

    As for the serve, slice it short so he is at the net then lob over. Or just hit a passing shot, this is purely depending on your style of play.

    Good luck hope you do well.

  3. Get lessons and work hard.

    duhh ;)

  4. practice practice practice. waht are his weaknesses? practice things you know will break him down. play the mental game. believe you are going to win. practice your deep lobs so he will have no chance atthe net. also work on passing shots. for his baseline game, try and learn how to hit with so much topspin that the ball bounces very high at the end of the baseline. those are very hard to get a good shot off of. if he is slow, make him pay for it. try a couple moonballs here and there to se how he wud react to those. most good players get annoyed and mess up trying to kill them

  5. well u can improve urself using video instruction from  

    and article instruction from  

    hit side to side with agressive play and don;t give him short balls. block back his serve and put easy shots away. when u have opportunities strike the ball and go for it!

  6. Sounds like he's too good dude.  This calls for a Tonya Harding.

  7. Well, it seems as though he's an agressive player. There are two ways to defeat an agressive player. Let's look at it as Roddick. Roddick's net play has gotten better  through Conners and eventually led him to defeat the big three this year. So his style of play is the tougest to counter. Other then his losses on clay his three losses came to really conservative players such as Davydenko.

    So your options are

    1. Work on consistancy and be a pusher. Let your opponent make most of the unforced errors in the match while limiting yours.

    2. Be agressive back. The only players that have really pushed me in a match were those who started coming to the net themselves. Even if you are a lot weaker of a player, controlling the net will allow you to control the match

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