
How can I defend our country without being rude?

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When I go overseas people tend to make fun of our country saying that we know nothing about the world or that our culture sucks. And the we only had "local" news. But at the end of the day I always think to myself ,"how is knowing what's going on in another country going to help our country or the people in our community?" We have news in our area because the average American can't go to foreign countries to help people but we can help each other in our areas. So I don't think we are wrong for not knowing what's going on necessarily in other places but I don't think it's important in knowing how we are treating others and so forth, but hearing about someones house in another country burning down isn't important if our next door neighbors house has burnt down. So I think we aren't ignorant but realistic. And is it just me or does it seem like if people stop worrying about what's going on in other places so much and minded their own business and worried about their own countries a lot of this stupid c**p going on right now would be at a minimum? But the questio is how could I voice my opinion and be a nice American and not sound all arrogant at the same time?




  1. i dont thinks its being "realistic" i just think its a choosing to be ignorant to your sorroundings.  

  2. So how do they get information about us. These people who say these things, have they ever been here? I would say they have misconceptions about our country just as we do about theirs and that you hope to learn about them during your stay. Tell them you are open to any questions. Have a good trip and be vigilant.

  3. to be honest i feel exactly that way about americans and i am american. I think on an international scale......we pay less attention to culture or whats really going on in the world. Minding our own business might work but as long as our government keeps up with its "games" we look bad. if were you i would just make others in other countries that there r ppl here who do care and read about international affairs. but admit we do have our share of social issue.

  4. I did not know people did that in other countries but it is human nature. I mean we welcome immigrants but our own pick on immigrants and joke about their ethnicities, so they have the right to do the same as well. I think you should just ignore them and get your work done, forget trying to defend America in front of a bunch of people that would not bother to listen. Just do what you have come to other countries to do, complete your work and eventually those people will either regret it or stop complaining, eventually they will accept you and learn that Americans are mature and have thick skin.

    Also, I have learned this, A LOT of Americans hate America, I mean EVEN THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES as bad as China, have citizens that love their nation but America, our citizens just complain and bash our country every single chance they get. That is what a lot of Europeans pick on us about "HAHA you Americans do not even like your own country". I mean at least those people in Europe have love for their country unlike us.

  5. You could start with "Yeah I hate my government too and their horrible atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many Americans hate Bush and the other war criminals. Please don't hate me" :-)

    That would appease me.  

  6. It is very important for an American to know when someone's house in another country burnt down if it was American bombs that did the burning.

    If you can't understand how being ignorant of what happens in the world affects your immediate surroundings you are just proving them right.

    Think global, act local is a principle of action proposed by Americans who understood that their role in their own communities must be determined THROUGH global understanding.

    So no, minding your own business is not the solution it is the cause of all the "c**p going on right now".

    And we did get the point of your question, but your naive perspective of reality hampers your ability to understand what undefined "people" where trying to tell you in an abstract "overseas" reality that you missed.

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