
How can I describe the Mcdonalds seats?

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I'm writing an english review for Mcdonalds.. and I have a sentence that I can't seem to find the right words to finish.. I would like to describe the uncomfortable plastic seating.. Here is the sentence and I would like to end it about the chairs.


Mcdonald’s offers a great view of the highway, play facilities to keep the children occupied whilst you attempt to enjoy your dining experience and what can only be described as




  1. Uncomfortable.

  2. a colorful plastic seating which is most convenient for the fast food customers who comes and go in a rush, cost beneficial for the company and suitable for the circumstance.

  3. They're hard, sturdy, and support the wider end of a person.

  4. hard and cheap

  5. Dirty uncomfortably put!

  6. are uncomfortable but the ones that go in a half circle ordeal are kinda cool.

  7. fattening

  8. what comes too your mind about this?if you write it yourself, youll be more happy with your work") nothing comes too mind though. srry!

  9. a$$-numbing, blown fiberglass seating.

  10. an unenjoyable evening/afternoon/morning due to the hard, uncomfortable, cheap, plastic seats.

  11. not an enjoyable experience, as the chairs provided are very uncomfortable due to them being  the hard plastic variety. Hope this helps, good luck.

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