
How can I develop my 6th sense? ?

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Can it be developed? How?

I already have a slight 6th sense which was strong as a child, i'd like to have that sense back is there any way I can?




  1. Meditate and pray. Read as much as you can stand on the subject.

    Read all of the books in the links below.

    Listen to binaural music from Kelly Howell and Jeffrey Thompson.

    There is much much more but unless you are especially gifted and even if you are it takes practice and study.

  2. try meditation. that's what ive been doing for about 8 years and its helped me.

  3. Use the Force, Luke.

  4. Ther are many ways, some work for some people some dont.



    Focusing (seeing the effects happening in your mind)

    Beliving (your already doing that)

    Being around other people with the same gift.

    It would help if you posted an add-on describing the gift.

  5. Of course it can be developed.  Just practice practice practice.  Find things that your soul wants to learn such as telepathy or healing etc.  Then practice your own ways of how to do it.  Im not going to tell you any of mine because I believe people best learn when they use there own way or even create a whole new way of how to do something related to their souls choice.  Love and Light.

  6. Can you develop a sense?  Will soft music improve my ability to smell better?

    Are you open-minded to the possibility that as a child you simply imagined this 6th sense?

  7. meditation is the number one way. also limit caffine and sugar intake.

  8. I did chakra meditation to help work my "psychic muscle". You can google it online for a written explanation of each chakra and what they mean. Also look for cd's by Steve Halpern, he has great ones for chakra meditation. Also go to and search for chakra meditation cds, there will be tons!

  9. I use meditation and soft music. I find my gift gets stronger the more I do this.

    Best of luck.

  10. One word for you,


  11. Exactly what "sense" would that be?

    Seriously, what sense are you talking about?


  13. Human beings only have five senses, unless the sixth sense is a fancy name for imagination.

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