I am dealing with a very bright child who is generally happy. However, when she does not get her way, she hits me in the face. I don't think she grasps the concepts of time outs. She seems to think they are a game. She sings during time outs or talks to herself. I have tried taking things (i.e. privileges like DVD’s) away from her. I have tried talking to her. Yelling and getting angry doesn't even make her blink. It just seems like I can't get through to her. And when I ask her if she knows why she got a time out or why I took something away from her, she repeats me WORD for WORD. Never does she answer me. It's hard to tell if she truly does not understand or if she is manipulating me. I feel my blood pressure rise and I want to pull my hair out. Does anyone have any alternative methods of discipline (besides hitting)? Are there any books or DVD’s anyone would recommend? I am dealing with a child who is not average and average discipline gets me nowhere.