
How can I disconect someone from my wireless network?

by  |  earlier

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This is the router I have : netgear wgr614v9

Well there is a family that lives with us and they use our internet using a wireless USB network adapter, which connects and gets a signal from my wireless router. And then I have a sister who ticks me off, and I was wonder how do I disconnect her from the network, without s******g the internet connection and signal for the family who lives with us. She uses a laptop to connect to the internet.




  1. When she's on line, go into the router settings and look for her MAC address. It will be an address that looks something like 01:23:45:67:89:ab, along those lines. Should show the name of her system as well.

    There may be a section in the router that allows you to block her by MAC address.

    One other way would be to add WEP or WPA encryption (WPA is better), and not give her the encryption key. You can give it to the others, and they'll be able to get in, but she won't.

  2. i would suggest that you put enscription on your connection to prevent other people outside of your family to connect to your internet. Give the password to those who you trust.

  3. now that you know her MAC, filter her MAC address.

    when she is connected, you can always try to look around in her computer. also you can play with messaging... scare her with a dos utility;

    net send <computer name> hello, I see you using my network, stop or I will format your hard drive

    that may get her attention.

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