
How can I disconnect these annoying calls?

by  |  earlier

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Recently I've been getting automated calls on my land phone, trying to sell me a satellite TV system. I can't hang up on these ads; it somehow continues to tie up the line until the ad is finished. I think these calls are extremely obnoxious; I can't even make an outgoing call on MY own phone, until this automated device finishes an ad for an item I don't need.

How can I disconnect these calls?




  1. tell your telephone company

  2. I just got one of these, sending me to this forum.  The call (from a satellite TV outfit) got through my do-not-call listing and simply kept going in spite of multiple hang-ups.

    My call to ATT and through all their hoops ended up with them wanting to make a service call to my home to "find the problem!"  Not!

    They were not interested in the hijacking of my line.

    At least I could hang up on them. :=)

  3. tell your phone company.

  4. Get on the national do not call list for starters, Then listen to the message all the way thru next time it calls, and if there is anumber to call back, do so. Tell them your on the national DNC list and you will report the next time the call. Also request that you be added to their in-house DNC list.  

    One other suggestion if you dont receive actual calls from a lot of different people is a feature called selective call acceptance. You can program up to 12 numbers (12 with my company, charter) to receive and everyone else gets a message that says you are not accepting incoming calls at this time. Ask your phone company about the cost and if its included with your package (at charter it is a standard feature)

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