
How can I disovle an adoption?

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My step mother adopted me three years after she married my father. My mother was killed in a car accident when I was almost 2. My step mother was not a mother to me. She was abusive. I want my mother's name on my birth certificate again. Is there a way to do this? I was 6 yrs old when she adopted me. I am 33 yrs old now.




  1. I am sorry I have no answer i just wanted to wiash you luck and I hate that you had to be one of the sad stories of adoption I pray things begin to go well for you

  2. i want to adopt 2

  3. Adoption doesn't take away the fact that your mother gave birth to you. Legally her name is on your birth certificate, but if you get an official copy you'll find your mother's name on it.

  4. l've found a couple of links for you to read, they're quite informative, but l would reccomend you ring your state CPS and consult an attourney to get more comprehensive information.  To answer your question though, yes it can be done, as you are over 18, although your birth mother's name should be on your birth certificate anyway.  Was it taken off to your knowledge, or are you just assuming?  l would check that out first if l was you.  Good luck with everything, l hope this helps.

  5. go to the court and file a motion for a hearing

  6. I had a similiar situation.  I'm sure you'll need a lawyer to get the name change through the court system.

  7. Once the adoption took place, your step Mother became your legal mother.  I do not believe you can change the info on your birth certificate.But you can legally change your last name to any name you want.   But if you really want this persons name off your birth certificate, you can legally be adopted by nother person and they will issue new certificate.

  8. Contact the clerk of the court that oversaw the adoption and ask them

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