
How can I do my womanly duty and tell a woman at the gym to change her clothes?

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she wears the SAME clothes everyday and what' almost worse is that she wears an orange shirt with pink tights. it is hideous.




  1. Yes I would leave a note telling her that her clothing really starts to smell after so many days! Yuck that is so gross.

  2. Don't worry about what other people are wearing at the gym.. Just work out and if the smell bothers you that much, work out when she might not be there.

  3. Is your gym so small that you can't avoid her?

    If it's an actual health issue, I would speak to the manager again. Any decent gym has rules regarding cleanliness when it comes to using the machines.

    If the manager does nothing, change gyms.

  4. Stay away from her and M.Y.O.B.

  5. It's a gym, not a fashion show. It's supposed to smell.

  6. You could say, "Hey, I noticed you had that on yesterday."

    I'd probably get her into a discussion and say, "I used to wear the same clothes to workout in everyday. (Not necessarily true but it will help her connect with you if you have this in common)  I thought it was a waste of time washing them since I was just going to get in them the next day but I got a horrible rash and found out it isn't sanitary to do it. The bacteria from the sweat builds up in them. I found out that it's actually better to rotate a couple of different outfits."

    You could let her know that you cared enought to pass along a tip from your own experience and then offer her a bottle of water : )

  7. Don't say anything to her she could get really offended. You know some people can't smell themselves. I would leave a note at her locker. Something discreet. Let her know in a kind, but direct manner.

  8. Anonymous notes on cars often work well.

  9. It's not your place to tell anyone when they should change their clothes.  And what's so bad about orange and pink together?  I kind of like it.

  10. Unfortunately for you and everybody else, there is nothing you can really do without expecting her to slap you down.  If she gets into the shower, you could always remove them and put them in a bag and dispose of them, but she sounds like the type not to shower at the gym.  It also depends on how well you know her.  If she is pretty well a stranger then forget it.  Maybe change gyms???  Good luck it is not an easy subject to attack.

  11. Ask her which day is laundry day when she wears that every day.

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