
How can I do this without getting arrested.?

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Ok, I am gunna fight this kid after school. Every day he has been callin me out and cussin at me and telling me to fight him. So, I wana fight him but how do I make it so I don't get arrested. Another question: If he punches me first am I aloud to fight back as selfdefence without getting arrested.




  1. Become friends with cops!

  2. dont do it during school hours on school property, and from what ive seen from other people the whole "self defense...oh well he hit me first" excuse never works, if you really wanna fight him go for it, but it takes a bigger man to walk away then to come down to his level and fight him

  3. Yes, first off you must do it off school grounds, second make sure there are a bunch of witnesses around you and third, make sure he throws the first punch, the consequences will be less for you and more for him

  4. they say a real man walks away from a fight

  5. If he hits you first, then you can hit him ONCE and not be accused of assault, as the law states that you can defend yourself.

    A better way to deal with this (more difficult I know, but it will make you a stronger person) is to ignore him. Or maybe to meet him, but ask him what his problem is, as he does seem to have a problem. Also, try and have a chat to a teacher before school ends and tell him/her what's going on. The teacher will know how to deal with this withiout getting you any more involved than you already are, and should be able to resolve the problem without it needing to come to blows.

    You could also tell your parents, as they'll give you support.

  6. unless ur older than 18 and hes not u wont get arrested, also self defence is the best way of doing it just in case, good luck!

  7. Smack him anyway, it comes under the umbrella of 'extreme provocation'. And that is a big get out clause.

    Good luck, and while you're there, whack him for me.  :)

  8. As far as the self defense thing goes, it depends on the state, Kansas doesn't have a self defense law so both of you would get arrested, but other states don't have that law, as long as the cops aren't called and the kid doesn't press charges you won't be arrested, unless one of you is seriously hurt.

  9. All you have to do is have people around you for witnesses but only people you trust that will tell the truth, go up to this kid and start cussing him out that way if he hits you, you can use self defence and beat the **** out of him, and dont worry you can fight on school grounds last year i got in this fight and i gave this kid a black eye and he was bleeding so bad after i kicked his *** the principle caught us but i had witnesses that he threw the first punch and i got to go back to class and he got expelled. I was 13 when this happened.

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