
How can I do well in Brevet? What's the best way to study?

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Any tips would be appreciated.




  1. Finished brevet this year~!\

    are you talking about next year... or did you fail the first time and are doing a second dawra ??\\

    either way what i do /(and it's worked for now)

    is that i study the science subjects and redo the exams... and while studying i take brief notes about all that i need to remember. all the important stuff and formulas... and tables... and stuff...

    and i write all the formulas in maths as well after studying well the first time with all the exercises and stuff!!

    so i study everything carefully once... then the few days before the exams i revise the notes that i took... and so everything is fresh in my mind and i son't need to over exhaust myself revising it all again!

    in history geo civics.... study however you like.. bas you have to understand the material...

    buy the newest shamel.. and solve all the sessions... that's THE MOST IMPORTANT THING... so you can get used to the exams styles! and time yourself while you do that!

    always leave time for fun and rest.. cause it gets really tiring in the end and all you want to do is finish and you get all bored and hysterical!

    Don\t depend on the cheating cause lots of people get stuck in room with strict teachers and end up with blank pages...

    and most of the time the information that you cheated is wrong! (happened to me)

    so watch out!

    and good luck!

  2. -Everybody has a different learning style. Forexample, my most productive hours of study are at night (I'm a night person) i study two hours at night that make up for ten lost hours during the day so find the time & place u concentrate most.

    -Practice, practice, practice ! Especially in Math.

    -Re-read the material & revise the curriculum at least two times

    -Get a tutor in the area where u find urself most incapable (for example i had a Math tutor at Brevet)

    -Focus on the material that u feel would make u a favor (for ex if ur good at history, study it & revise it 10 times so that u'd take a 100 in it & u'd make up for other material)

    -Finally, relax & find time for urself, don't panic & good luck =)

  3. I think you're a little late because the brevet tests were taken 2 months ago...and if you're talking abt next year's test then you have all the time in the world. Just do what your teachers tell you to do, and listen to your parents and stay away from bad company and say no to drugs and don't kiss and tell...etc

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