
How can I donate old books?

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I have a heap of old books, including old text books that I want to donate to charity. Most are probably too old for a University Student in OZ but is still fundementally sound for studying. eg Basic Management books etc. Any suggestions would be welcome.




  1. Just drop them into any Salvo's, Red Cross or another charatiy bin. They will sort them out from there. Any help/donations that these group's get helps so many other people too. Hope this helps. :-)

  2. you can donate them to the salvation army they took alot of my books, and trust me someone would want your books

  3. Go to old book shop in your town and sell them.

  4. I work in a library and we are always glad to have donations! Most libraries have a group call the friends of the library. They hold book sales once a month and people flock to these! The money that is made from these sales go directly back to the library and help fund new computers, library programs, etc....Last year our "friends" donated over $25,000 to the library!  Plus, you can claim this on your taxes as a deduction.

  5. Nursing homes, Hospitals, churches that have donation drop offs, libraries, boy scout girl scout book drives[they sell], salvation army, good will, rehab facilities, VA,put them to the curb, little sign FREE.

  6. to libraries! they can never have "too many books"

  7. Most two year colleges participate in Phi Theta Kappa who in return sponsor Better World Books.

    I'm sure you can drop the books off at the college near you.

    Good Luck!

  8. Lifeline, Salvation Army, and other charities, have retail outlets where they can sell them. Call one of them. I'm sure they would be grateful for them.

  9. how about the salvation army or saint vinnie's

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