
How can I draw the guideline and semicircle on 4 ft *8 ft billiard table? please give me dimensions.

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How can I draw the guideline and semicircle on 4 ft *8 ft billiard table? please give me dimensions.




  1. Looking at the table from the end, place a straight edge from one side of the table to the other at the second diamond. The second diamond on the left will be point A and the second diamond on the right will be point B. Draw a line from point A to B. Stand at the side of the table looking from point A to B (diamond to diamond) to make sure the line is perfectly straight before you use any kind of marker to draw the line because it will be permanent once it's done.

    Get help for the circle because it will just make it easier. With each of you standing at opposite ends of the table, pull a string taught from the center diamond at each end. The string will intersect with the line you just drew from side to side. Mark the intersecting point with something. You can draw a little dot on the line or make a little x.

    Now you can create your semi circle. Get a pencil, a string, and the marker you used to create the line. Tie one end of the string to the pencil. Tie the other end of the string to the marker WITH THE CAP ON! The length of the string will depend on how big you want the semi circle to be. Do a DRY RUN here. Place the pencil on the intersecting dot. Pull the string taught and put the pen on the line. In a circular motion (you're creating an arc here), rotate the pen from where it is over to the other side of the line. That will give you the semi circle you want.

    Do a couple of DRY RUNS (meaning, the cap is still on the pen) until you're satisfied with being able to keep the string taught and the pencil and marker in a position that is perpendicular to the table while you're rotating the marker around the felt surface. After you practice that exercise you will be able to determine how long the string should be.

    That's as simple as I can make it. Johnny is sure to follow though and he's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than me! :)

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