
How can I drive my Bike Carefully during this rainy season?

by  |  earlier

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  1. When I'm riding in the rain: I go slower then I normally would (below the speed limit but not too slow), Keep my safe distance open a  little larger, stay off the slick roads (oil and grease on road). If too little rain it just makes the road slicker and more dangerous.

    Use your judgment and how comfortable you are.

  2. have lots of distance from the car in front of you!!

    dont go fast!!

    and if you're braking let go of the brake and push them again let them go and push them again and etc...creates more traction

  3. check ur brakes ..dats d most imp...service it..specify wat u have got in mind..and ask him ..those service guys know a gr8 deal and above all dont speed up..

  4. Besides the traction issues, people that don't see you in good weather will certainly not see you in bad weather.

  5. drive sloooow! my buddy drove his gsx1000 to school the other day & ate it!  he pulled his brakes 2 fast and slid everywhere!

  6. Drive within speed limits and avoid sudden braking and use preferable yellow or any bright colour cloths

  7. good luck! i have a gsxr 600 and i rode it in the rais once and slid everywhere. braking is different, taking off is different, tirning is different, plus who wants to get all wet and have a dirty bike?

  8. Drive Slow. If your bike has disk breaks, be very careful to use them. Avoid the use of front break & use the rear break as much as possible.


  9. Here are some of the errors that bike riders frequently commit which greatly increase the chances of a collision with a motor vehicle:

    1. They do not follow the traffic laws for vehicles when operating a bicycle. Instead,

        a) they may use the traffic laws for pedestrians and thus ride on the sidewalks or the wrong way on the streets,

        b) they may follow the traffic code for vehicles part of the time but not all of the time,

        c) they may adopt a policy of hiding from motor vehicles rather than riding in the traffic lanes,

        d) they may be guerilla cyclists deliberately breaking the law,

        e) or they just might not think about how they are behaving.

    2. They don't have lights mounted on their bikes when riding at night.

    3. They ride along in the gutter or weave in and out between cars.

    4. They don't pay attention to nearby vehicles.

    5. They haven't learned how to control their bicycles effectively.

    6. They panic when motor vehicles approach.

    7. They don't keep the bike in sound mechanical condition.

    8. They ride when too tired (or even drunk) to do so safely.

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