
How can I drive safer with a weak right eye?

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When I was born, my eyes were crossed. I had corrective surgery when I was 2 months old but my left eye has always been significantly stronger than my right one. I was able to get my learners permit, but they recommended that I see a vision specialist. When I did, she sent me for strabismus surgery, which didn't seem to make a difference to me but apparently, she says I should have no problems driving. When I try to drive, according to my parents, I drift to the right a lot and sometimes stop too close to other vehicles. Does anybody out there have a similar situation to me, or any strategies I can use to keep the car straight and in the lane so as to avoid endangering other drivers




  1. I can't speak from experience, however, I can tell you there is a vast difference between a driver's ed type school and a advanced defensive driving school.

    The defensive driving school will put you in enough extreme conditions in a safe environment that I would think they could only improve your confidence out on the regular road.

  2. Get glasses

  3. If your glasses help, then why don't you try wearing them?!

    Just because someone said "that's fine for driving" doesn't mean it necessarily applies to everyone.  If you're in an accident and it comes out that you have visual problems and weren't wearing glasses or contact lenses that improve this, then you'll be in a whole heap of trouble.....

    I'm pretty sure your insurance wouldn't cover you.

  4. you may need glasses altought glasses dont always work for a "lazy eye"  i would take with your eye dr.

    I know that i have a "lazy eye" and am ok driving maybe you just need more pratice driving and it might not be your eyes at all

  5. I would try wearing glasses or contacts since your eyes are not exactly 20/20. I had a hard time learning to drive myself because of my left eye. I would drift to the right on a narrow road when I met a car coming the opposite direction and I also had a hard time judging distance. I went to the eye doctor and got contacts and my driving got a lot better.

    I still had some problems but the contacts made it a lot better. I have no problems at all now so I think it may have been a combination of needing contacts and also not having a lot of driving experience. So try wearing glasses or contacts and just keep practicing because I'm sure your driving will improve.

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