
How can I drop these pounds?

by Guest56572  |  earlier

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Well, I went shopping today and I bought some jeans. A pair didn't fit me and I looked in the mirror and truly realized that my insecurities stem from me being quite overweight. I truly want to feel better about myself. Now, I don't have access to a gym membership or anything, but my pool is open for 6 hours tomorrow. Keep in mind that I walk to and from work, 20 min. trip each way, and sometimes I'm outside pushing carts. Also, I'm a 17 yr. old guy and my daily caloric intake, or whatever, since it's based on weight is a bit over 3,000 calories. Any tips on how to drop this weight? :)




  1. You are still young, just drop that calorie intake and it should take care of everything especially with all that walking.

    visit to calculate how many calories you need a day:

  2. excersise daily, and eat healthy.

    cut out foods like pasta and rice, and dont drink soda! it is the number one cause of obesity in the country

  3. You are young, so if you have some exercise like walking, you will lose some weight soon. But you are still growing, so you'd better eat normal and healthy. You are much better than skinny boys!!

  4. First of all calculate your BMI. For losing weight avoid junk foods and eat only fat free foods. These simple things will help you to lose pounds.

  5. That calorie intake sounds way too high to me, not unless you are very tall.

    If you want to change then you need to either change your exercise routine so that your body shifts into fat burning mode - walking and swimming aren't in themselves great for that, though they will burn calories.

    If you don't really want to go there then I'd suggest that you look more closely at what you eat.

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