
How can I dye my hair red...from black?

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I want to dye my hair a ruby red colour (see L'oreal Ruby Power or Plum Power), that's dark enough for school but still bright enough to be seen as red. However, I've been dying my hair black for a loooong time. As I know I want red hair I've started to let it grow out, but being as my hair is now just past shoulder length I am NOT waiting for it to all grow out.

So I want to know how I can do this fairly easily? Hairdressers near me only make vaguely confident noises at hair stripping.

ANY advice appreciated!




  1. theres nothing you can do unless you bleach your hair and that will damage all your hair i went black to for the past five years and i cant go any other color unless i destroy my hair

  2. Dye does not remove dye. to make hair a lighter colour than  black it must be first bleached or "stripped" out. This will result in a brassy blonde colour, which then must be toned. The problem is that red colour has a  very small pigment molecule, which slides out of the stripped/damaged hair shaft very easily, leaving a faded pink color in a very short time.

    If you put a red dye from a drugstore directly over either the black or the bleached, both will give unfavourable results. Over the black will only give a slight red tinge at best, and the grown out roots will be quite red. Putting it over blonde will leave a bright fire engine pink, purple, or red.

    Best to visit a good hairstylist that specializes in colour correction . There is a reason they charge the big bucks for good results.

  3. You can go to the store and find color stripper.

    I'm not really sure if it works too good though.

    You could also try dying it blonde, and then red.

    Or bleach it, I'm sure that would work,

    but it might damage your hair too.

  4. alot of red die or change to blonde then to red.

  5. if you do it over black hair it will only shine red but if you strip it or use hair lighner and then dye it it will come out the colour it shows on the pack.honestly my freind does it all the time and her hair is pitch black naturaly

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