
How can I earn more money from googel ads?

by Guest31665  |  earlier

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I'm using google Ads. for 10 days and I have just got $0.47 !

I have about 200 unique visitors per day, PR 1 and alexa 650 000




  1. could you tell me the address i have helped other people before

    you need good content that other people are intreasted in and your ad's need to be related to your content

    good luck need any other help email me

    or talk on msn

  2. It's really hard to tell without seeing your website.  Have you studied search engine optimization? ( or

    I think what you're experiencing is normal from what I've read with people just starting...seems like 200 unique visitors is decent..

    Now you need to look at how long these people are staying, where they are clicking, and at what point do they leave.

    Also, are these people the people that are most likely to buy what your ads are advertising?

    Give your people reasons to come back to your website.  The more they visit, the more likely they are to click on an ad.  

    People know ads are just they really have to be interested in something to click on it. Most people just tune 'em out.

    Make sure your ads are all related to your website and your content - and make sure you use the "exclude" part wisely so you get more pertinent ads.  Really give some thought to your core visitor, create the "ideal customer" in your head and think about what it would take to get them to click an ad...

    Personally, I think the more targeted the content and the ads are the better you're going to do.  

    I'll give an example, I visit some homeschool websites that have free worksheets. Some have ads for everything and anything to do with kids and school on all the pages.  Others are very careful.  On a page with free math worksheets, they will only have ads for math workbooks to buy or something like that - not every option for every tutor program in the as specific to your content-ads that you can.  

    Is there any place for you to blog/review about what your advertising? Kind of lead people into being interested in clicking?

    You have to continually build up your website.  But for starters, I'd learn as much as I can about SEO, create your "ideal customer profile" (an imaginary friend who is your best customer) and anlalyze his/her thoughts and reasons to click, analyze your website visitors actions on your website (get some thorough web analytics going), use the "exclude" options wisely, and content content content...

    Good luck to you!

  3. That small amount is typical for people just starting out with Adsense.  There are general tactics you can use like making sure your Adsense ads are up at the top of your page. If it's a blog, put the ads in between posts.

    Look at the stats for your site. What keywords and keyword phrases are people using to find your site? Use that info to write content for your site. Example: if a lot of people are coming to your site using the keyword phrase: "Best Cell Phone Plan" you can create content targeting that keyword phrase. That content will make Google serve Adsense Ads that relate to that keyword phrase. Visitors will see the highly targeted Adsense Ads and probably click on them for more info.

    If you have a site where people simply want information and have no interest in buying anything-it might be a little more difficult to make money with Adsense on that type of site.

  4. click here, or copy and paste into your browser

    http://pvtkaralewis(dot) angelfire (dot) com/online.html

    best online job online

    up to $10,000 a month per computer you use

  5. hi




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