
How can I eat more and gain weight?

by Guest44554  |  earlier

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I'm 5'10" about 130 lbs. I want to gain about 20-25 more pounds (more muscle, not just fat). I like to exercise and work out, but I really hate eating. I never have a big appetite. Sometimes I will eat a small salad and be completely full for the entire day. I try to eat more, but it's hard to swallow when my stomach already feels so full. I tried eating smaller meals, but in the end it's the same.

How can I get a bigger appetite so I can eat more without feeling full? Is it a mental thing? Can I overcome the mental barrier? Can I stop myself from puking when eating too much?





  1. you can start bye eating a lot of red meat and more starches too. that should help you gain more .

  2. I get like you too sometimes, but the smell of tasty food usually opens my apetite. As a vegetarian, I usually have salads and "non-smelly" foods, so i get full and bored of eating, but if for example I'm in a kitchen with something yummy baking in the oven, the aroma makes me feel hungry and eat more!

    Maybe if you have something high in fat and calories that tastes and smells good, like a cream based soup, pasta, garlic bread, desserts, also have whole milk instead of skim, buttery mashed potatoes. Oh and nuts are very fattening - especially almonds - have lots of nuts - both high in protein to build muscle and the 'good' type of fat. Also in your salad you can add a lot of olive oil to it, high in fat and calories but won't make you feel full. You can also just straight up swallow a few tablespoons of oil each day. I used to do that.

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