
How can I eat more like a lady?

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My mom says I eat like a man, and that I should find out some ways to eat more like a lady. What are some ways that I could eat more feminine-ly?




  1. Well, dont slerp, and don't eat to much fast food enjoy good stuff like



  2. My grandmother was very STRICT about table manners - especially for "young ladies" - here is some of what she taught me:

    1. Take time to SAVOR the flavors of the food you are eating - take small (but not teeny-tiny, ity-bity) bites and chew slowly.

    2. ALWAYS place a napkin in your lap.

    3. Keep elbows off the table.

    4. While you are eating, keep the hand you are not using in your lap.

    5.Take sips of whatever beverage is provided - don't chug.

    6. Do not use your fingers to push food onto your fork/spoon - don't eat with your fingers (unless, of course it's finger-food).

    7. Don't talk with your mouth full.

    8. Don't pick your teeth at the table, or belch, or blow your nose - excuse yourself to do any of these things.

    9. Enjoy your meal but don't pig-out (my grandmother always used to tell me "A lady always leaves something on her plate.")

  3. ...try COOKING the chicken first

  4. eat in small bites and make sure your mouth is always closed when you chew.never talk with your mouth open.anytime you feel like you have something on your face,wipe it off with a napkin but do it delicately and dont rub it across your entire should normaly keep your napkin on your lap and try not to put your elbows on the table.dont slurp at any time and when you drink something dont gulp it down,take it slowly.

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