
How can I effectively oppose g*y marriage/civil union legislation?

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As a resident of Vermont I opposed the civil union law that was passed in 2000, and now oppose the g*y marriage legislation that is in the early stages of it's public review. There is a very well organized and vocal minority in our state that is pushing for it's passage, but the majority of residents are opposed to it. The legislature is currently conducting public meetings, and has convened a panel to administrate and review the process, but both the legislature itself and the review board are heavily, if not totally, pro-GM. I believe this is due to the politicians not wanting to commit political suicide and be labelled homophobic by accurately representing their constituents, and similarly the majority has been cowed into silence by the aforementioned vocal pro-GM minority. How does one effectively stand up and fight for their side when politically this seems to have become a foregone conclusion? I am asking respectfully, and for answers from those in similar situations.




  1. Go to the meetings and expose them for refusing to server their homophobic constituents. I bet you can get on the 11 o'clock news several times, and you will be a hero on youtube forever!

    And there is this new thing called the internet where you can make a web site or a mailing list of other homophobic majority constituents such as yourself can communicate and organize, and find leaders and stuff, and next election you can all run for office on a "homophones are in the majority" platform and vote for each other and make your own laws if you are right.

    Good luck with all that, it sounds so, well, homophobically FUN!

  2. United State citizens have the privelege of signing petitions. One particular site has a petition against a g*y bill (no pun intended) called the "Hate Crimes Prevention Act." The name of the site is called It contains other petitions as well and serves as an independent source for current events.

  3. Are you a bigot, a bully?

    Do you like picking on g**s for no good reason?

  4. if you are really in the Majority then it will be easy !

    it's your duty as an American to make sure the Majority wins !

    just get all you like minded friends together and make your voice heard.

    maybe a march ?

  5. get Barney Frank and Senator Craig to back you on this one.

  6. Instead of imposing your religious beliefs on others,

    why not petition to remove marriage from all civil venues.

    That way, the ONLY thing the state would recognize would be civil unions.  It would then be up to the state to determine whether or not it would accept marriage as a civil union, or whether you still have to have a civil ceremony!

    Problem solved.

    Keep your religion, I don't want it.

  7. This issue is no different than any other political one.  Get organized, write letters, hold rallies, let the politicians know that not everyone is on board.  You would need to draw attention to your side of the issue if you want to get it changed.

    (Note:  I am a conservative who disagrees with you on this issue, but I think everyone has a vested interest in using the system to attempt to create desired changes.)

  8. Answering respectfully towards a bigoted question:

    Step 1. Become g*y

    Step 2. Get married/civil union

    Step 3. Provide a horrific example of what happens when g**s get married, then the people will rise up to legislate against your example.

  9. Why are you opposed to something that will have absolutely no impact on you?

  10. I'm glad I read your post, because the news media led me to believe that almost everyone in Vermont was for g*y marriage.  That just proves to me that the news media has an agenda and lies about everything.  Circulate petitions, get churches involved, and write letters to your congress person and senators.  Remember, It's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.  I live in the South, Good Luck

  11. The right thing to do is to go out and be heard. However that being said, I ask you why do you oppose g*y Marriage? Is there  an issue with the language or word "marriage" that you don't believe others who have alternative lifestyles should be included in? I ask because as a g*y male in a relationship of 12 years now, we have faced battles to visit each other when in critical care, battles of financial investments and many more. So I ask why shouldn't two loving people who decide to make a vow to be faithful and be true to each other be denied these "benefits" of marriage? Is there any way you believe would help those in our positions other then "marriage" to gain access to those rights? If so please let us know. We are Christians and ask you this- can you decide to be g*y? I didn't think so, then what is the answer? Why do you oppose?

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