
How can I ejaculate more times in one day?

by  |  earlier

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I've just started becoming sexually active with this girl I really like and we have a great time together. I'm 22, and she's probably the wildest girl than I have ever experienced. I am able to establish and maintain an erection for hours of passion, but I seem to only be able to ejaculate once in the course of 24 hours. I feel satisfied but it's a little embarrassing to have to say "no really that was good! I'm just out." Are there any methods to increasing the amount I have to unload over the course of a few hours?

I just wish I could "show" her how much I appreciate what she does for me.




  1. if you are expectinng to not ejaculate then you wont

  2. dude fake it you can get horny and noe ejaculate

  3. it's  natural for you to get burnt out after finishing. I just force myself. in the long feels good to know that you are all that is man.

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