
How can I eliminate fat contact with my irons?

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My biggest problem with my irons and wedges that I'm hitting it way to thick. What are some drills I can try to help me fix my problem.




  1. Just move the ball a little bit back in your stance, even if you are coming down on it steep you will connect more solidly with the ball if it is back in your stance.  Other than that, just follow the old cliche and stay down and concentrate on hitting through the ball.

  2. here is the easiest and best drill i have found that works alls fat shots are is releasing the club to early. so heres what you do take a 9 iron balls and a tee put the ball on the groundplace the tee a inch or two in front of the ball now address the ball with it in the middle of your stance keep your eyes on the tee not the ball by focusing on the tee not the ball you'll hold your wrist hinge a little might have to move the ball a bitdepending on your swing but start with it in the center within 50 balls your contact will be alot better good luck.

  3. Move the ball back in your stance.  The ball is obviously in front of where your club bottoms out in your swing.

  4. just keep smashing your food with the irons until it looks so unappealing that you dont want to eat it anymore, therefore decreasing fat content. he he he

  5. The best things you can to to help eliminate fat shots from your golf game are

    1. Move the ball back in your stance, about an inch, inch and a half, practice until you get it right, you may have the entirely wrong ball position and have to move it bak a foot.

    2. Always keep your weight off your toes, by keeping it off your toes, you don't lean into the shot, creating an uneven arc.

    3. On your downswing, shift your weight from your right foot to youur left,(vica verca if your left handed) this will encourage the club from hitting the ground to early,

    4. Last of all, no matter how times you hear it, DON'T LIFT YOUR HEAD

    If you have the money, and none of this helps, i would strongly encourage taking a lesson and buying some super game improvement irons like the Callaway Big Bertha iron's etc.

  6. Stop manipulating your wrists and try to steer the club.  Take practice swings, notice where the divot is, and swing like that for real.  Accelerate through the ball, and finish your swing.

  7. Try to develop a more sweeping swing instead of taking the big divot with the more " chopping " swing.  Also play the ball a little further back in your  stance and hit the ball first before the divot is taken. The 2,3,4,5,6  irons are the sweeping irons while the 7 thru the wedges are the divot irons.

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