
How can I encourage my 3 yr old yorkie to get along with my 7-week old schnauzer?

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How can I encourage my 3 yr old yorkie to get along with my 7-week old schnauzer?




  1. I like the personality of a schnauzer. They are so sweet.

  2. similar question to the one i posted...still lookin for answers...only mine are both the same lilly has been with us for a year n half...and i got a rescued dog now....she wont give him the time of the day....jealousy....hope u get ur answers

  3. Show your yorkie lots of attention; always pet her first, feed first, etc.  You have to let her know she's still number one. =)  She's very jealous of the pup right now, but that's very normal of an older dog when a puppy is introduced.  Just like a teenager who's been an only child all her life -- then along comes this annoying, bratty toddler who won't leaver her alone and gets EVERYTHING from mom and dad  ;)  As the puppy gets older your yorkie will warm up to it; just give it time.  Let them interact as they do -- it's OK for the older dog to "tell" the pup when it's crossing boundaries.  Only step in if it goes far enough that the pup could be hurt -- that's not acceptable.

  4. Honestly you could probably start out by putting a rubber band around the schnauzer's snout.

  5. Don't force them together all the time.  Introduce your puppy gradually to the Yorkie.  If they have to be together - make sure that your Yorkie can get away (like onto a couch or chair).  Use clicker training - if the puppy is near - the Yorkie gets a treat.  Also, if you can tire out your puppy a bit before a training session with the Yorkie - your yorkie may like a quieter puppy better instead of a wild one.   Good Luck!  

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