
How can I encourage my 4.5 year old son to pee standing? ?

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I told him that big boys stand up, but he hasn't tried yet. I was going to try bringing him in the bathroom to watch me go to show him how or maybe peeing out in the yard on a tree. Other fathers have experience with this?




  1. The best thing to do is to bring him with you often as possible.  When he has to go, but you don't, you should still accompany him.  He'll learn quickest by your example.  You really should have started this when he was first being potty trained.  BTW, I've raised 2 sons.  

  2. Tell him only girls pee sitting down.  He'll want to be manly.

  3. Show him by example. That's how he learned to pee sitting down by watching mom do it. How did you learn to pee standing up? You watched your dad.  

  4. Tell him if he sits down to pee the toilet monster will bite off his p***s.  NO NOT REALLY. Show him by example, with my boys they really had to lean into the bowl to pee, and I was telling them not to touch the bowl in public bathrooms so it was a challenge.

  5. I taught both of mine by standing them in the empty bathtub. If they made a mess all over themselves, they were in the best place to do it.

    It does help to watch Daddy; I know that freaks some people out, but they learn by example and they don't associate sexual stuff with it at that age; thats an adult thing that we do, not them. My boys watched me pee when they were little and they survived without trauma. Pissing on ant nests is  great fun when your 3 years old too.

    Just make it a fun thing and not stressful to them like some folks do who want to make it into some sort of tragedy if the kid sits to pee. Its not a huge deal, and eventually he will do it if its important to him.  

  6. I think you showing him how to do it is the best way. he is going to want to be just like you, and i think you showing him is going to make him want to pee standing up. try it first at home. but eventually you should take him to a public bathroom, have him use the urinal, and you stand next to him and so he knows how it is supposed to be done. i wish my dad had showed me how to use a urinal at an early age, i didn't learn until i was like 8 or 9.  

  7. Bringing him in the bathroom is a good idea, for once he sees that his father stands to urinate, he'll want to be just like you, thus trying to stand. If he can't aim that well at first, just help him by putting an chereo in the toilet and tell him to aim for that. Once he knows that big boys urinate and actually sees that, he'll want to try. I wouldn't advise letting him pee outside on a tree, because he may begin urinating outside whenever he wants now that he knows he can. Wait until he knows his boundries with urinating before showing him to urinate outside. Hope this helps.

  8. Dan, welcome to the world of being a dad and trying to fix what mom has programmed your kid to think is right!  >grin<

    Watching you pee in the bathroom is one way to do it.  Another is if you're out in public and he has to go, bring him into the washroom and try to find a urinal for kids or pee in the stall standing up.

    My brother went through that with his oldest and it took awhile.  His biggest frustration was that his wife had taught the little guy to wipe his p***s with t-p after every pee and he wanted to unteach that - took him awhile!  >grin<

    Good luck.

  9. tell him that girls sit down and tell him boys stand up  

  10. do they have potty training videos/books for little boys - showing him by example seems a little "creepy" no offense

  11. lol, my dad got my brother to pee standing up by going outside and tellin him to go pee on that big rock.....

    IT WORKED!!!!!!!!


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