
How can I encourage my 7 year old to be vegetarian?

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My husband and I are vegetarians, but since we just switched back to being vegetarian, my child was given meat from age 3-7.




  1. just don't cook it.  i doubt your 7 year old will put up much of a fight, it would just be a matter of changing habits.  don't we all dictate our kids' diets when they are 7?

  2. Take him to play with "food" animals - chicken, cows, etc. Ask him how that animal would feel if it knew he were eating meat.

    Don't give him soy or canola. they are bad for you. You can look it up on the net.

    It is VERY difficult to get balanced amino acids, essential fatty acids, and enough vitamins (especially Bs) on a veggie diet. Animals naturally go eat whatever they need to but humans (especially dependent kids) dont always have the option or the instinct. PLAN your son's meals. He is still growing and you can do permanent damage with poor nutrition. A diet that supports you and hubby ok can be very bad for your son.

    Hint Rice and beans together have balanced protien.

    Kids need about 50grams/day of balanced protien

    avocados and chia seeds are good sources of EFAs

    I'd also like to scold some of these other people for being authoritatian hypocrites. You would ignorantly and arrogantly starve your own kid against his best instincts! None of you mentioned anything about nutrition!

  3. Just use fake meats: soy hot dogs, veggie burgers, chick patties, etc. A 7yo is more interested in eating like Mommy and Daddy then being different. The only exception I'd make is don't pressure her to eat veggie when out to eat or at school. Let her make up her own mind in these situations. and PLEASE don't tell a 7yo child about the horrors of the slaughter house.

  4. just try and explain that all living being have live

    live and let live

  5. Let him eat what he wants to. It's not like you've never eaten meat before and maybe he likes it.

  6. Don't cook your child any meat.  It's that simple.  Your child is still very young, he/she should be eating whatever you give them.

  7. What I WOULDN'T do is say "Honey you must be a vegetarian" or start forcing fake meat products on him or her. I also would not give a 7 year old the straight facts on meat--it would probably be very traumatic and disturbing, even though the message would get across. I would just put it nicely that meat isn't a very good thing to eat, because it hurts animals. Tell him/her that they would be making a good choice for the planet, and for their health. Also let them know that it is not so hard, and if he or she chooses, they may try meat substitutes. Make sure they realize that some of the candies are out of their diet (if you give them things such as gummy worms), but there are great substitutes. Tell him or her that mommy and daddy wouldn't be mad if you decided not to become a vegetarian, but they would be extremly proud if you did. I think that a gentle, rewarding approach may coax your child over. Best of luck!

    OH, AND: make sure you still nourish them properly, with the right amounts of proteins and such! Children may have pickier tastes, so you'll have to be extra careful to make sure that he/she gets enough protein.

  8. try not to force let your child choose on his own what he wants to do, that makes it all the more real.

  9. well it wouldve been easier if you had the kid not eat meat in the first place but since thats not the case slowly cut out meat and stop going to mcdonalds...............

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