
How can I encourage my city to get bike lanes?

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My city got 3rd place for worst city for cyclists. Quite a few years ago something was passed saying that all roads re-paved here must include bike lanes, but they have re-paved a couple different major roads and bike lanes. :( ..Maybe I should paint them myself?




  1. If you paint them yourself then you get arrested.

    I would check and see what legistaton was passed and what exactly it said. If you are right then you can put your public representatives on the spot and ask them why it was not enforced.

    The main way to get this sorted would be to get as many people as possible involved. Local bike groups would be a good place to start, local media as well as you need to get publicity (you can bet that if a politician thinks they may get votes for supporting cycling lanes then something will get done). Also try and get local motoring groups involved. Typically motorists tend to dislike cyclists, but if more people cycling means less congestion, easier parking and quicker journey times then they will come on board.

    You need to put pressure on your council or whoever is responsible. The more people who support you and the more noise you can raise, then the liker something will be done and the quicker it will be done.

    A lot of politicians are going after votes on environmental grounds and this would be a relatively low cost and easier way for them to show their green credentials.

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