
How can I encourage my kitten to scratch?

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My new 8 week old kitten has some serious talons on him - really long and sharp. He's always getting them caught in things and I get scratched a lot when we play because he has them out ALL the time.

1) Is it normal to have them out all the time like that?

2) He doesn't use his scratching post or scratch anywhere else like the furniture or the carpet. Should I be encouraging him to scratch somehow?




  1. It's not really a necessary to encourage him to scratch. Just let him be and he'll know when to scratch or so.  

  2. It is not to soon to begin cutting them. Use sharp, cat clippers and get him used to it now.  That should help cut down on him getting stuck and also hurting you.  Believe me, I know the feeling - ouch!!!!

    If you have the scratching post, great.  Some cats need to be actually trained though.  Show him over and over how to do it.  He will catch on.

    Good luck.

    EDIT:  I can respect that about not cutting them.  There is only have one of my 4 cats that has to have his nails cut.  He is a huge, 15lb orange tabby.  I call him my Old Man because that is what he reminds me of.  He is around 14years old or so, tall, long, and lanky.  And the goofiest cat I have ever had the joy of living with!!!   But for some reason, when he plays, he keeps his nails out and they get caught in the carpet, area rugs, chair, blanket, couch...  and I have to physically go over and unhook him.  He has zero coordination and I only cut them so he doesn't hurt himself.   I hope your kitty brings you just as much joy :)

  3. trim his nails

    here is a video on how you should do it:

  4. Cats have (as you probably know) retractable claws. If he does not retract his claws then there may be a problem. Or it could just be that  he has very long claws! ^^

    If you are concerned for your kitty take him to the vet and ask for some advice, the vet should be able to tellyou exactly what is wrong =)

  5. kittens actually do not respond to catnip until they are about 4-5 months old.  I would take his paw and rub it over the scratching post hoping he would catch on.

  6. My cat had a tough time too. You got to show him what you mean cats learn from examples

    Hope this helps- Popcorngirl23

  7. Aw, Cant you take him to the vets to get them cut? He is properly doing that because he wants to play all the time. Put cat-nip on the scratching post it should encourage himm...

  8. A person thought one's cat did not scratch so bought a Persian carpet. After  a ruined carpet, the person know that the cat can scratch.

    Trim the nails!!!!  

  9. probaly just cause he wants to play. Cats paws are retractible which means they can pull them out and in!  

  10. don't know if this would work for you but I use my own fingernail clippers on my cats, because the ones you buy for animals are so huge.  

  11. I also have a kitten who seems to have his sharp nails out all the time and I believe he just doesn't know how to use them yet.  He's always getting them caught on things and just hangs there.  The catnip might work but I highly doubt it.  I've been told by my Vet that using a toy water gun and squirting him when he's doing this will teach him in a safe way not to scratch.  My vet frowns on having any cat declawed but you have to be consistent which doesn't work so well when you work.  I believe in time he will learn to retract his claws and you have to remember he uses those claws as weapons so it's normal to get scratched when playing.

  12. Kittens don't know how to retract their nails until they get a little older. Trimming the kitties nails is a good idea it does take a little practice and it sometimes becomes a two person job. First look at the nail it has a white part and a pink part. You don't want to cut into the pink part because the kitten will bleed. I use nail clippers designed people when they are young they seem to work better than the normal ones you get at the pet dept. because you can see what your cutting better. Now push down on the toe and this will extend the nail out so you can see it well. Now clip the hook part of the nail keeping well away from the pink part of the nail. If your cat has black or dark nails you will have to take it to a vet clinic for nail trimming because you won't be able to see the pink part of the nail and run a chance of hurting the kitten. Don't worry about the scratch post thing too much because it will start scratching things soon enough "some things you don't want scratched"  I would avoid the kind of posts that use carpet and make a homemade one made out of wood. See carpet has a backing that is fasted together with a nylon cord and once the cat scratches down to the cord it can get it pulled loose and swallow it. My boyfriend's cat swallowed the nylon cord and had it inside from mouth to beyond it's tummy and had to have surgery to remove it. The bill for the surgery and a few days stay in the animal hospital was over $2,500 I'm really glad he loves that cat because not many folks would spend that much money on a common cat.

  13. That's totally normal.  All he cares about right now is attacking everything in sight!  Try getting some catnip (I believe it is safe for kitties over the age of six weeks but you may want to check with your vet) and sprinkling it all over the scratching post and then when he scratches it, praise him.  You are lucky that he's not scratching what he shouldn't be, there's really no need to be concerned about that.  I would not suggest cutting his nails by yourself.  There's a vein in cats' nails and if you cut too far down, you could clip it.  Have fun with your new baby!

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