
How can I end a relationship with a selfish narcissist?

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He never apologizes or admits he's wrong. Complaiing to him is like talking to the wall. He said some bad things recently and I've been giving him the silent treatment, but he thinks I just need some time to myself about my personal problems, and never admits he contributes to my misery.

He's been contacting me as if everthing's just fine. Should I continue giving him the silent treatment until he can't pull off acting dumb anymore and gets the picture? I really don't want to torture myself by spelling things out to him since he's chosen to act dumb about it. He's always got to be guilt free and not at fault about anything.




  1. Get a guy kiss and make out with him and let him find out about it. That will get the picture across. Also, I would happy to be that guy ^_^ j/k but not really,............ j/k but not really.

  2. I say just cut him out completely, and when he finally can't pull off acting dumb anymore just confront him -- tell him exactly what you told us, and then tell him that you don't care what he says next (because he'll probably try to defend himself and say he doesn't know what you're talking about) because you're OVER HIM.

    Yay, go you! :) Goodluck

  3. Why give the silent treatment - why not be mature about it and talk about your problems!!  Relationships need communication, honesty and respect.  

    Talk about your issues!! If they can't be resolved, THEN break up, but seriously, put some effort in first, enough of this silent treatment business.

  4. I really think you need to confront him.  Though you may have tried complaining to him before, mention the things that irritate you again but this time include the threat of breaking up.  That will show that you are serious about what you are saying.  Try to be gentle; if you yell and scream and just go on about everything he's done wrong, he's going to get defensive, especially if he acts the way you described.  Just say that you're considering dumping him because he never apologizes or admits his mistakes, and that if he would try to change these behaviors, you could mend the relationship.  

    If he refuses to listen to you or claims he hasn't done anything, just follow through with your threat: dump him.  If that's how he's going to act, you deserve a waaaay better guy.  And if he doesn't care enough about you to try and change, then he's not a worthy boyfriend.

  5. As long as you have already decided to end the relationship....

    First of all....good for you!!!

    Next..if your really don't want to talk to him cause you've been down that road before and it doesn't work...the silent treatment should work.

    I'd just totally ignore him, any Emails, texting, or actually seeing him in person.  If you've made up your mind that he's out of your life, then you have no reason to pay any attention to him at all.

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