
How can I enroll my daughter in Cheerleading?

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I am homeschooling my daughter because I did not want the poor kids to have a negative influence on her, all that evolution talk and such. Anyway I was a cheerleader in high school and it is my dream for her to become one also. Does anyone know how I can get her to be a cheerleader- Can she participate on the school team or are there independent teams? This is so important for her to do. Her career as a cheerleader for the NFL is dependant on this!




  1. you want her to be a cheerleader?

    um, you need to hold up there woman.

    what she wants to do with her life, its H E R decision.

    no matter how much you would like it to be you're decision, its not.

    im a teenager.

    and im pretty darn sure i wouldnt like my mother wanting me to do what she wants me to do with my life.

    does you're daughter have ANY say on this what so ever?




    no offense.

    but you're a horrible mother in my opinion.

  2. Well first off if this is a dream of your Daughter's then fine, but if it is just your dream I suggest backing off. If she is truly interested in becoming a cheerleader they usually offer up classes thru Gymnastic places.

  3. I actually have a question for you. What state are you in? I am enrolled in a alternative learning school. NOT A CONTINUATION!!!!!!! Anyway I go to school in Cali and I tecnically am in homeschool. The advantage is that i go to my public high school for electives. I have been in homeschool my whole life. another thing you can look into i a private lessons. i did that when i was in elementry. It works great.

  4. Poor kids?  Evolution?  Career as a cheerleader?

    What a troll you are..

  5. Cheerleading is one of the most important things she can do in her life.  It is important to get her in now.  If you don't her only hope will be that Dallas Cowboys show on CMT.

    Anywho many local schools will allow homeschooled children to attend classes, they should allow her to be a cheerleader- if they don't sue them for discriminating against your homeschooled child.

    You sound like such a good mom.

  6. Our local gymnastics gyms have competitive cheerleading squads. They are formed regardless of school affiliation. Check into something like that.

  7. I know this is probably a roaming question LOL. Depending on how old she is, there might be a cheerleading program with the Parks & Recreation Dept. in your area. Some churches also have "Upward" Cheerleading, which I know you would like since you dislike evolution talk. ;-)

  8. Several possible problems with this.  Most schools have a rule that you must be enrolled in so many classes to become involved in extra-curricular activities.  Secondly, most schools have try-outs for cheerleading rather than enrollment.

    I would suggest e-mailing or calling your local school district to get the details, every school has there own rules and procedures when it comes to cheerleading.

  9. Very few states and districts allow HS'ers (and private schoolers)  to participate in public school activities.  Many times private church schools allow HS'ers to compete in sports and do cheerleading.  This is because many of them are small and need more students to fill in the roster.

    So I'd first check if your PS district allows it.  Next check with private schools.  With both options you may need to pay a participation fee since the school is not getting tax dollars or tuition from you.

    I agree with the Upward Cheerleading recommendation.  That would be a great program to get involved in.

  10. I understand that you are bored and just being precocious, but there is an answer to your question.

    There are teams that homeschooler participate in.  There are cheerleading classes and camps along with dance/gymnastic camps for girls.  And many girls become worship dancers at their church. Lots of churches have worship/dance programs, drama programs, music programs, mime ministries......

    So, homeschoolers never go without things like this.  They just choose to do it differently.

  11. the question is... does she want to be a cheerleader? does she even wanna be homeschooled?

  12. Well, I know that in my current town (Orlando, FL) there are plenty of competitive cheerleading teams you can sign your kid up for -- just like dance classes, martial arts, etc.

    I'd Google for a cheerleading studio near you.

    The only thing is, it's gonna be competitive cheerleading, which is quite a bit different from your experiences as a school cheerleader. Different attitude, different atmosphere. Schools with competitive-minded cheerleading coaches tend to focus less on leading cheers and more on being the best gymnasts -- which is good for physical fitness and learning to be part of a team, but is definitely a different feel from the old-school cheerleading.

    My college (UCF) has a championship cheerleading team and I had the good fortune to meet and date a cheerleader; so early in our relationship (she didn't cheer at UCF but some friends from old cheerleading days did) I was surrounded by cheerleaders. It was... interesting.

    But yeah! You should be able to find a studio for your daughter, no problem :)

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