
How can I enter my daughter in Modelling?

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My daughter is 2 and loves to pose for pictures, sing, dance, and even act (believe it or not). I live in Southern CA and I don't know where to start. I've been searching on google but I don't know which is legit and which is not. I would like to give this modelling thing a try and see if she would like it or not. If not then o well. She is not clingy with parents or people she knows she is really outgoing and friendly so I thought putting her in the entertainment business would fit for her. Any suggestions on where to start?




  1. HI Gloria,

    You are going to have to look for an agent in your area that specializes in children.    Not only are they agents,  this is their career,  they can advise you to the ins and outs.    Look in the telephone yellow pages...  I know, these are almost extinct..  LOL...    but it is better than googling.   The agency with the largest page ad is the Largest Agency and they would not have one,  unless they were legit.   Before calling,  read to see that they do specialize in children.  Call and make an appointment.  Know here in advance, that your daughter will have to have a pretty extensive portfolio  -  about $800.00  -  and because she is so young and changing so fast..... to keep her active in modeling,  you will have to update often (and the portfolio photography fees don't get cheaper the more you do)  perhaps every 6 months and for sure every year.    I would advise you wait until your appointment to get that portfolio,  because most often the agency will already have a photographer... which is how they do make alot of their money.  

    Once you have your first appointment, the agent will give you his opinion if your child "has it" and is a good candidate for working... and remember, the agent is not really doing this for you... as they make a percentage of everything your child makes... this means they are going to be honest in letting you know if there is potential in your child.

    And, lastly,  for every agency you are thinking about calling... do check with the Better Business Bureau in your city.. to make 100% sure they don't have any serious strikes against them.   Lots of dreams and hearts have been broken by agencies that take your money and give nothing back in return.   Hope I was able to give you a little something to think about.

    Thanks for reading and good luck.

  2. Hi gloria

    Try this link..... It is meant for your baby and concentrates on exactly what you want to do.


    Read twice, even three timnes before making rash decisions.  This is a good agency but protect yourself.

  3. I dont know how.....but dont start ur daughter in modeling....there stuck up B!tches

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