
How can I entertain my new niece?...*think I spelled that wrong*?

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My niece is five days old now And I understand that newborns don't do much but *eat and sleep*...But she is developing pretty fast, I was wondering if there was anything I could do to like stimulate her senses...any type of baby friendly activities or something. Thanks




  1. Well for five days old there isn't too much you can do. Singing and story telling (repeating the same stuff) are good things to try for her. Also puting toys in her line of sight that are black and white are good for her eyes to focus on. At this age babies see black and white objects more clearly than any other colors. Things that make noises (not too loud) are good for her to hear such as rattles. Plus allowing her hand to touch items with different textures are good for her brain development. So try those with her for now.

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