
How can I erradicate mushrooms growing wild in my lawn.?

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I am looking for a chemical solution which won't kill my grass, if possible. These mushrooms grow in clusters of three and I have about 50-75 of them which grew in just the last week. I have been digging them out but they just keep growing back. I have tried road salt on places where I dug them out but that just killed the grass as well. They are growing in new places on my lawn. Any help in getting rid of this infestation of mushrooms will be helpful.




  1. There are nothing wrong with the mushrooms they mean that the soil conditions are optimal.  They are not a bad fungus unless they are in distinct circles.   Just pick them or mow them over.

  2. Try a tablespoon of dish soap in a gallon of water.  Apply it to the mushrooms and wet the area down well.  I've found that mushrooms don't care for soap.  This will *not* kill the grass.

  3. Mushrooms grow where dead tree roots are.  They don't last long and there isn't a real way to rid your lawn of them.  Just mow them down and they usually last a couple of weeks.  Make sure you wash your hands afterwards, as most "tree shrooms" are poisonous.

  4. The mushrooms you are trying to kill are only the tip of the iceberg. They are the flowers so to speak, 99% of the mushroom lives deep underground, out of reach of chemicals. They are good for the soil converting dead roots and bringing the nutrients to the surface. The mushroom circles "Lawn Man" mentioned are called fairy rings and the mushrooms are quite tasty, never eat a wild mushroom unless you have an old f**t like me to identify them. Some of the largest rings are at Stonehenge and can only be seen from the air. I you have kids at the grazing age you can kick'm, pick'm, mow'm or use a nine iron on them. My favorite is to admire them as another one of mother natures little surprises.. Just like a plants flowers they won't last long and won't return until next year. Even the most poisonous can be tasted and spit out as a means of identification and the poison can't go through skin, but washing your hands is a good idea some taste awful. RScott

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