
How can I establish credit quickly?

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I need to get a laptop for college [it's a requirement, and I start in a few weeks].

My brother in law and I built the perfect one on HPV which would have monthly payments, but since I have no credit score, I can't get it. My parents have very bad credit, so they can't either.

What can I do? I've read some stuff on it, but mostly they say either "get a department store card" or "get a co-signer", which wouldn't work for me because of my parent's credit.




  1. You will not be able to establish credit "quickly".  If you get a store credit card or a secured credit card (you pay a deposit which is held as collateral), you would have to use the card and pay in every month for 6 months to have any kind of score -- and that would not be a good one.

    Instead that expensive one you 'built', look for something you can actually afford to pay cash for.  There should be lots of sales on laptops right now.  You can pick one up for $500 if you check around.

  2. you can always get one from a rental store. i got mine from arron's. not only do i get to make payments on it, they report to the credit reports that helps my credit. they also fix it if it messes up. that is a big plus b/c it saves me money if it messes up. :)

  3. Take out a loan from your bank, make sure you can make the monthly payments and buy something big, like a car. It will establish good credit fast as long as you are never late on payments.


    You can try and build a nice computer real cheap.

  4. It doesn't matter at all if your parents having bad credit only the thing matter it's your parent credit history. I suggest you go with Loan Consolidation, if your parent are ready to cosign then you can get a loan with you parent bad credit also, there are many on-line sources who provide loan consolidation service for people have any credit situation, for your reference my one of friend had recently get an loan with cosigner with bad credit, you can try this source may this could help you.

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