
How can I ever apologize?

by Guest58713  |  earlier

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Appearantly my feeble attempt at humor was reported as a voilation and "the content was deleted."

Please accept my sincere aplogies. Some people just can't resist not letting anyone have any fun.

So, I'll just crank out the facts and the rest be (I was gonna say damned, but I'd get reported for that too) left behind.

Now is EVERYbody happy?




  1. i would sit down at dinner with the people you hurt and let you heart tell you what to say and do.

  2. I think you are a target because of the top contributor tag.  Sucks when you get reported just because someone doesn't agree with you.  You showed honesty and integrity in trying to apologize to whomever,  but its not you that should be apologizing.

  3. People might not share your wit and delete the content. Not to worry because you did in a good faith and they did in the same way.

  4. That's too bad, bro.  It's our sense of humor that makes us human, too bad things got misconstrued.  Best of luck in the future!

  5. As I see it, some people just seem to be "overly sensative" a lot of times. Take myself for example. I'd answer some questions on Y!A honestly and with what I thought would be a professional manner, but in the end I would get reported, for reasons I more often than not, I don't quite understand. And this is after reading over the rules and regulations numerous times. So I think maybe, just maybe, you really shouldn't apologize at all what-so-ever.

  6. Love your apology, Hogger.  You could have a career consulting contrite political figures and celebrities.

  7. I woulndt let it bother you, I have found a sense of humor is largely wasted in here, but not altogether.

    If people cant take you for what and who you are, that's their problem, not ours.

    Like they say "joke 'em if they cant take a fock"

    Sometimes the cleverest answer gets the most thumbs down, go figure.

  8. Post an honest answer sometimes  and some  thin skinned cretin will report you...been there done the t shirt....I think its way to easy to report people...Someone on here said Yahoo su---..sometimes I am inclined to believe them....

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